34. Review Article # 1 – Michael Anthony: The Effective Church Board (1993)

6. Responding to Opposition. This is the title Anthony gives to chapter 20. Again, there is good, general advice that a board would find helpful. However, it begs the question how a church board can lead in ways that diminish the emergence of opposition. How can a church board operate in ways that are preventative, i.e. help the congregation reach good decisions that contribute to unity, but give space to diversity?  If the board discerns that some unrest is emerging in the congregation over an issue, what steps can the board take to respond to it positively and in healing ways? If one of the primary outcomes that Jesus wants for his church is “keeping the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:2-3), then how does a church board lead the church in ways that foster such unity? This is where the board’s responsibility to lead with a view to the future, to lead in ways that anticipate what is coming and assists the congregation to prepare well and to lead in ways that communicate truthfully and effectively, is so important.

Larry Perkins

June 2010

[1] For a more detailed discussion of this issue please see my article entitled “The Delicate Dance of Congregational Government” (www.churchboardchair.ca).

[2] For one treatment of the relationship between church size and issues such as organization, function of the church board, role of the lead pastor, etc. consider One Size Doesn’t Fit All by _______________________.

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