Score each comment from 1 (NO, very poorly) to 10 (YES, very well)
1. The board, as a whole, has a good understanding of its governance philosophy, including its role and its overall responsibilities. ___
2. The board knows the organization’s mission statement and major goals. __
3. The board considers strategic issues that may affect the organization. __
4. The board knows the operation structure (officers, committees and staff) of the organization. __
5. The board has worked with staff to review and approve the strategic plan.
6. The board deals primarily with policy related issues. __
7. The board avoids micro-managing the organization. __
8. The board monitors the staff’s progress in implementing the strategic plan. __
9. The board approves the annual financial budget of the organization. __
10. The board receives regular reports on the financial performance of the organization. __
11. The board receives understandable reports on financial performance. __
12. The board receives regular reports on the program performance of the organization. __
13. The board receives understandable reports on the program performance.__
14. The board’s agenda is circulated before meetings in adequate time for review. __
15. Board members come to the board meetings prepared, having read pre-circulated materials. __
16. The board meetings are orderly. __
17. Board discussions focus on the debate of issues and policies. __
18. Board discussions are conducted in a non-threatening environment. __
19. Interactions at board meetings are courteous and professional. __
20. Individual’s comments at board meetings are treated as confidential. __
21. The chair ensures ample time is provided at meetings for all interested parties to be heard. __
22. The chair ensures no single individual or group dominates the discussions at board meetings. __
23. The chair ensures that board work is appropriately distributed among the board members. __
24. The board objectively assesses the work and recommendations of its committees and task forces. __
25. When a board decision is made, the entire board supports its successful implementation.
26. The diversity of the members and/or stakeholders is represented on the board. __
27. The board regularly monitors the performance of the CEO/lead pastor by monitoring the achievement of the organization’s goals. __
28. The board regularly monitors the performance of the CEO/lead pastor by utilizing a documented evaluation process. __
29. The board monitors the ongoing effectiveness of policies in a regular manner. __
30. The board effectively represents the organization to the community. __
34. The board effectively represents the organization to its members and/or stakeholders.
35. The board undertakes training on a regular basis. __
Please add your personal comments to the following questions?
- In what areas did the board make its greatest contribution and in retrospect were they the highest priorities? (Please provide your rationale.)
- What areas are the most pressing for the board to focus upon in the coming year? (Please explain and suggest ways and means to achieve.)
- What other initiatives, not contemplated in the long-term plans, should the board consider?