168. A Church Board Chair Evaluation Tool (cf. Article 142)

Evaluating a church board chair rarely occurs, but it can be an essential and important part of a church board’s annual cycle of review and be part of the board’s commitment to excellence. Such an evaluation should relate to the role description approved by the board for the chair. And so the specific questions might change in terms of wording or some new questions added, depending on the particular role description.

It would be helpful as board chair if you were to suggest that something like this be created and implemented on an annual basis. Your proposal would be based upon your conviction that this role is important and needs to be done well. The board members are in the best position to assess your work. You want to learn and develop your capacity to lead them well.

Sample Church Board Chair Evaluation Instrument

On a scale of 1-5 please indicate your assessment of the chair’s service on behalf of the church board:

1 – do not know; 2 – no; 3 – more no than yes; 4 – more yes than no; 5 — yes

Item Score
1 The chair ensures that the church board develops follows appropriate operational policies. 1    2    3    4   5
2 The chair helps the board to develop its annual schedule of meetings, including an annual retreat. 1    2    3    4   5
3 The chair provides clear, well-developed board meeting agendas. 1    2    3    4   5
4 The board agendas are circulated at least a week in advance of meetings. 1    2    3    4   5
5 The chair facilitates open, robust, but respectful dialogue among the board members. 1    2    3    4   5
6 The chair is able to help the board achieve spiritually-discerned decisions. 1    2    3    4   5
7 The chair ensures that each board member’s voice is heard. 1    2    3    4   5
8 The chair ensures that minutes of board meetings are accurate and circulated in advance of meetings. 1    2    3    4   5
9 The chair helps the board determine areas for board development and plans for  educational opportunities in the annual agenda. 1    2    3    4   5
10 The chair ensures that new board members receive an orientation to the role of a church board member. 1    2    3    4   5
11 The chair assists the board to organize itself at the first meeting of each annual cycle, appointing officers and establishing necessary committees. 1    2    3    4   5
12 The chair assists the board to develop job descriptions for the chair, secretary and all standing committees. 1    2    3    4   5
13 The chair effectively communicates board decisions to the congregation, employees and appropriate external constituencies. 1    2    3    4   5
14 The chair effectively represents the board in congregational meetings. 1    2    3    4   5
15 The chair ensures that the legal and financial responsibilities of the board are being attended to in a timely fashion. 1    2    3    4   5
16 The chair ensures that the board has regular time for worship and spiritual development. 1    2    3    4   5
17 The chair works effectively with the board and the lead pastor to organize the annual general meeting. 1    2    3    4   5
18 The chair ensures that the board has voice in the development of the vision and strategic plans that will enable the congregation to fulfill its mission. 1    2    3    4   5
19 The chair assists the board in the appropriate exercise of risk management. 1    2    3    4   5
20 The chair treats all members of the board with respect. 1    2    3    4   5
21 The chair assists the board members to develop and sustain good relations among themselves. 1    2    3    4   5
22 The chair ensures that the board shows appreciation for retiring board members. 1    2    3    4   5
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